How to Hug a Baobab!

Firstly, take a deep breath

Secondly, appreciate its highest branches by averting your eyes skywards

Thirdly, lovingly extend your arms as far as they will go

Fourthly, hold onto the outstretched hands of loved ones, friends, strangers, anyone

Fifthly, embrace it as tightly as you can

Sixthly, give it a big, wet kiss

Lastly, indulge in its energy

Now that’s how you hug a baobab! :)



Iga Motylska

Iga Motylska is a Johannesburg-based freelance writer, photojournalist, sub-editor and blogger. She is published in numerous local and international publications, including: Forbes Africa, Forbes Woman Africa, Forbes Life Africa, CNBC Africa, Ventures Africa, Marie Claire, Sawubona, AA Traveller, Fastjet inflight magazine and Seoul Magazine among numerous others. Her editorial interests range from documenting the entrepreneurial spirit to women's and human rights issues, environmental affairs and of course travel writing.


  1. Waaaaaah! A Baobab! I am re-reading the book, with your poignant and beautiful dedication, at this very moment! I have it in my hotel room! I love you endlessly and truly admire your commitment to the written word and photography that makes me gasp. You take my breath away.

    • Thank you dear Gina, what a beautiful compliment. Yes, I love The Little Prince and think I ought to re-read it again sometime! ;)

  2. Thanks John! Yes, it makes you feel pretty humble!

  3. Nice …I would highly recommend this for FP …not sure if people realize how big these guys are.
    Good post,

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