How to Find Cheap Flights and Save R750/$50

Cheap flights

This post details various ways to find cheap flights, no matter where you’re flying from or to or your nationality, and includes a R750 ($50) discount on international flights and a R150 ($10) on domestic (South African) flights, thanks to my partnership with Online Travel…

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The 100 most-visited cities in the world

If you’ve ever wondered where the rest of the world travels, whether it’s for leisure or business, the numbers are in. Each year Euromonitor International tracks arrivals in 400 global cities. It releases a list of the 100 most-visited cities (with stays of at least…

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Three weeks in India: From North to South (day by day)

I love travelling solo. (Here are some awesome destinations for solo female travellers.) Though there are certain destinations where I take comfort in travelling with a guide and fellow travellers, especially if it’s my first visit. I undertook my first group tour with other travellers,…

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Mumbai in 24 hours

Fashion capital, coastal metropolis, Art Deco enclave, Bollywood epicentre, financial hub. No matter how you chose to describe it – Mumbai is anything but boring, especially when you only have 24 hours in which to explore India’s largest city. As we step off the train…

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Vilanculos Vacation: Everything you need to know


Claiming a sand bar island as your own, floating in the lukewarm cerulean waters of the Indian Ocean, and indulging in pastéis de nata, freshly-caught King Prawns drenched in garlic butter sauce, washed down with 2M beer are reasons enough to visit Mozambique’s seaside town…

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Marseille: Exploring France’s oldest city in 72 hours


During my fourth visit to France earlier this year, I visited the Haute Alps and Provence regions with a base in the country’s second largest city. Between Marseille’s history as France’s oldest city and its contemporary façade, there’s much to do during a three-day visit…

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Solo Female Traveller? Ideal destinations for you

The Solo Female Traveller trend is growing. At the end of last year I wrote a comprehensive post about The Rise of Solo Female Travel outlining tips and trends. It talks about how more women, of all races, ages, occupations and with various interests are…

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The 2019 South Africa Travel Calendar

This is a comprehensive month-to-month travel calendar of what to see and do in South Africa in 2019. The guide includes bucket list things to do in Mzansi from music, cultural and beer festivals to epic trail runs and surfing competitions.

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Farewell 2018, Hello 2019

As has now become an annual tradition, at the end of each year, I trace the memories of new destinations I’ve discovered and those I have explored anew, through my photographs.

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The Rise of Solo Female Travel: Tips and Trends

Solo Female Travel

In Art of Travel, Alain de Botton of The School of Life captures the reasons why I prefer solo travel. “It seemed an advantage to be travelling alone. Our responses to the world are crucially moulded by the company we keep, for we temper our curiosity…

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NIROX Sculpture Park: Winter Art Festival & Musical Concerts

Nirox Sculpture Park

It’s long overdue but I finally visited the NIROX Sculpture Park to see the annual winter art festival – thanks to @za5 for taking me along. It is found within the 15-hectare Khatlhampi Private Nature Reserve in Gauteng just 45 minutes from Johannesburg city centre. There are a…

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13 Nelson Mandela Tourist Sites in South Africa You Must See

Nelson Mandela

Today (18 July 2018) we celebrate the centenary of Nelson Mandela’s birth in the hamlet of Mvezo, near Mthatha in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. Madiba, Rolihlahla, Tata, Khulu, Dalibhunga, no matter how you know or refer to him, he is the symbolic father of our democratic…

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Volcano Tourism on Reunion Island

volcano tourism

Reunion Island’s geological pyrotechnics make it an otherworldly destination where visitors can explore lava tunnels, hike the rim of an active volcano and watch the crater turn into a bubbling cauldron. It’s rather unique when compared to its tropical neighbour Mauritius and nearby Seychelles, as…

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Destination Dar es Salaam: From dawn ’til dusk

Dar es Salaam

Dar es Salaam means ‘haven of peace’ in Arabic, and while one can imagine how the name came about in the 1860s, when it was still a peaceful fishing village, today the seaside port and economic heart of Tanzania is a frivolous mix of nationalities…

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